Who We Are

​The North Simcoe Muskoka & District Labour Council is committed to supporting workers, their families, and their communities through political action and advocacy.  Membership is open to Local Unions, Lodges, Affiliations, and Federations that have at least one active member in our region (Orillia, Muskoka, and surroundings).  

If you’d like more information about participating with the NSMDLC, Contact Us.


Mike De Rose President
Chris McConnell 1st Vice-President
Margaret Sudnik 2nd Vice-President
Amylee Patterson Secretary
Laura Gillies Treasurer


The North Simcoe Muskoka & District Labour Council is proud to bring together workers, their families, unions, federations, activists, and community members across our region to help fight for improved working conditions for all workers.

Our list of current Affiliates includes:

Service Employees International Union
Local 1

SEIU Healthcare is a healthcare union in Canada representing more than 60,000 frontline workers. Our number one priority is to ensure that our work is recognized and valued.

United Food & Commercial Workers’ Union
Local 175 & 633

UFCW is a union representing workers in retail, meatpacking, food processing and manufacturing, hospitality, agriculture, cannabis, chemical trades, security, textile, and health care.

Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
Districts 15 (Trillium) & 17 (Simcoe)

OSSTF represents education workers, primarily those who work within the English Public Secondary system in Ontario.

Elementary Teacher Federation of Ontario
Trillium Lakelands & Simcoe County Elementary Teacher Local

ETFO represents permanent teaching staff and designated early childhood educators in the Trillium Lakelands and Simcoe County District School Boards.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Local 636

IBEW represents workers across our region who work in the electrical industry in a variety of capacities.

Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Locals 506, 521, 526

CUPW represents postal workers from across our region, including Muskoka, Collingwood, Orillia, Midland, and Parry Sound.

Ontario Public Service Employees Union
Locals 303, 313, 317, 329, 330, 350, 357, 369, 383, 389

OPSEU represents many workers across a variety of fields in the public service.

303: Simcoe County Paramedics
313: Staff at the Georgian Central Ambulance Communication Centre (CACC)
317: Ontario Public Sector (OPS) Ministries & workers from MPAC
329: Staff at Waypoint Centre
330: Simcoe County District School Board EA, Secretarial, Custodial and Support Staff
350: Georgian College Faculty
357: Staff at Huronia Community Living
369: Staff at Central North Corrections
383: Soldiers Memorial Hospital Paramedical Workers & Clerical Staff
389: Staff at Life Labs (Simcoe County)

Canadian Union of Public Employees
Locals 997 & 1000

997: This local represents maintenance, custodial, secretarial, and support staff in the Trillium Lakelands District School Board.
1000: This local represents members of the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) in our region.

What is a Labour Council?

A Labour Council is a group of local unions who believe in the power of the collective.  Locals whose parent union is affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress can choose to ‘affiliate’ with the Labour Council by paying per-member/per-month dues to the council.  By doing so they become ‘Affiliates’ and are able to vote at our monthly meetings, as well as help govern the direction of the council.

What does a Labour Council Do?

Each council is a bit different, but our mandate is to improve the lives and outcomes for workers, their families, and their communities.  This means we engage in political action, like meeting with government officials, planning education pickets or issuing media releases about local issues that impact our affiliates or communities.  Labour Council’s also support striking or locked-out workers and workers who are in collective bargaining negotiations.  We amplify messages from progressive organizations and locals that impact our communities.  We host trainings, seminars, workshops, and other ‘supports’ to keep workers informed, safe, and engaged.  For more information, this short video may be helpful.

How can I get involved?

We know that people like you are an important part of doing the work that we do. We are always in need of people who are politically engaged, progressively-minded, and willing to donate a bit of their time and expertise. You could:

* Become a delegate for your local (if they’re affiliated with us)
* Join one of our committees
* Attend one of our Events
* Sign up to our Mailing List to stay informed

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions! You can reach us by Emailing Us.